New Speedster Confirmed By Barry Allen Himself

Hold on to your booster seats, we’ve got a new speedster in season 3 of The CW’s hit show, The Flash.

"The Flash's" Wally West Becomes Kid Flash, Gets His Own Costume


In the classic yellow and red suit, Wally West will finally take up the mantle of Kid Flash in season 3! We saw both Wally and Jesse get hit with a familiar blast from the new particle accelerator. And while Jesse left to return to Earth-2, Wally is still here, getting more attached to the Speedforce. It was hinted that Wally would take up the silver and red suit, but it seems that this is not the case. What’s Wally’s role going to be in the Flshpoint Storyline? I guess we’ll wait here patiently until October. As an added bonus, check out some of the photos of Wally.

Yeah, it's like that. @keiynanlonsdale #KidFlash #TheFlashSeason3

A photo posted by Grant Gustin (@grantgust) on


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