Bananya is so cute I might die!

The new summer anime lineup is here! I wonder what sort of cool anime we’ll get to see– Oh my gosh? Whats this?!



Spread the news! Anime is saved now and forever!

Okay, I was browsing Crunchyroll’s new summer lineup and saw this, so I instinctively clicked it because it looked too darn cute.

This show, Bananya is a short format anime running only 3 minutes. It only has one episode out right now, and from what I’ve gathered from the rich plot, it follows the life of a cute kitty-cat that lives inside a banana.

It’s actually kind of funny! There’s a mild mannered narrator talking about Bananya who keeps getting interrupted by its cute mewls. Oh, and there’s even some character development! We discover Bananya’s ultimate goal is to become a trendy chocolate dipped banana!!

Such aspirations!
Such aspirations!

This show was certainly intended for a younger audience, but its cute and visually pleasing enough to have any viewer smiling and suffering form diabetes in no time. At this point you may be wondering how this anime even came to be – even by Japan’s standards this is odd. I did a little search, and it seems a company crowd-funded the production of this some months ago, as they sell merchandise themed around Bananyas!

Considering how painfully cute this series is, and that it’s only 3 minutes out of my day, i’m totally watching this every week!




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