New Characters and Actors Join the Flarrowverse

We’ve got newly announced additions to the Flarrowverse!

Tom Felton, best known for his role as Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter, is joining the cast of CW’s The Flash as a series regular for the third season. He will be taking the role of a CSI named Julian Dorn, who suspects there is more than meets the eye with Barry. Felton is a well established actor and us Mangos are very excited to see him join one of our favorite shows.

Next up, is Green Lantern going to be joining his color coded pal Green Arrow on CW’s Arrow next season? Carly Pope will be joining Arrow as journalist Susan Williams, who comes to Star City to investigate new mayor, Oliver Queen. Susan Williams is a prominent character in Green Lantern’s storyline (Hal Jordan). Could this mean we will get a glimpse of the Lantern in season 5? Will this be enough to save Arrow from its disastrous 4th season? It does look like the producers are going for a completely new angle, so we can hope!

New additions in the forms of shows and characters will really amp up the hype for October, when DC Universe premieres its shows on the CW. We can’t wait until then! Stay tuned for more news and for a video commentary on what has been going on in the Flarrowverse! Stay Whelmed!

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