Space Patrol Luluco! Recommendation & Review

I haven’t laughed at an anime this much in years – that’s why I had to write this recommendation piece on Space Patrol Luluco!
This anime is only thirteen episodes long, and is produced by the always entertaining studio Trigger. What makes this series a little different from others is that it’s got a short format, the episodes only run for about 8 minutes, with a 30 second intro & minute long ending credits. In total, this series only runs for a little over one hour of content – but oh my god, is it a wild ride.

I’ll don’t want to spoil too much, so here’s what to expect:

Trigger studio takes it’s iconic humor and animation styles and attempts to one-up itself in madness with each passing episode. This series is packed full of references to other shows that Trigger had a hand in creating, such as Panty & Stockings With Garterbelt  , Kill La Kill  , Inferno Cop, Ninja Slayer, even a little Gurren Lagann if you ask me. Basically, they were blowing their own horn with this show – and it worked.

The show revolves around Luluco, a girl in middle school in a city full of space immigrants. She’s surrounded by aliens and oddities, but insists on living a normal life at all costs.

Luluco and her father enjoy a super normal breakfast

However, one day her father who works at the Space Patrol headquarters becomes incapacitated, so she frantically clocks him into his shift — Only to end up drafted into the Space Patrol in his place to enforce JUSTICE!

Luluco meets her new boss!

What I enjoyed in particular about S.P.L.

  1. Aside from the wacky plot is how simplistic the art is. If you pay attention, just about the only things that are consistently animated are the characters. Backgrounds are usually clip art of real life images, and in some cases the background is only a crayoned in doodle! The use of these for a setting really keeps the light hearted, wacky, and innocent theme prevalent.
  2. Even though each episode only has about 6 minutes of actual plot content, the story actually has development! (well, as much as you can have). I can honestly say there was never a moment during the “four seasons” of this show that lost my attention.
  3. The dialogue between characters is absolutely hilarious, often uses cliches and tropes, and many puns.
  4. The ending theme song is really great! Its by Teddyloid, a Japanese DJ who’s made a series of interesting music videos and tracks worth checking out, including the famous Me! Me! Me! (I can’t find an original link because they may have taken it down; so I won’t like to any re-uploaders on principle, just use Google!)
  5. The wacky characters!
Is he channeling his inner Gurren Lagann?
Is he channeling his inner Gurren Lagann?


Kiznaiver characters!? And is that a scar?
Kiznaiver characters!? And is that a scar?

The Verdict?

So if you’re looking for a short, fast paced and wacky series, don’t pass up space patron Luluco! Even if you aren’t familiar with all of it’s references, you’ll be grabbing your sides at how funny this series gets. 

See you next Trigger animation!!


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