Flash Season 3 First Look from Comic-Con

San Diego Comic-Con was this past weekend, and it brought with it a plethora of content. DC’s Justice League movie had a trailer as well as the new Wonder Woman movie starring Gal Gadot. However, what got me hot and bothered was the new promo for season 3 of CW’s The Flash. Take a look at the video below and then keep scrolling for some light analysis.


Wicked. We all know what’s coming this season. Flashpoint Paradox. We see some major characters (Joe, Iris, Cisco) not recognizing Barry. We also see some new/different characters. Barry’s parents are both alive and happy! Wally West is Kid Flash. And we see a black speedster and the return of Eobard Thawne. And don’t forget about Tom Felton joining the cast. How will Flashpoint change the Flarrowverse? Will Wally become Flash’s sidekick? Who is going to be this season’s big bad? (Hint: the writers have said it is not another speedster). Keep yourself locked in the MangoStrike as we will have more of this and RoundTable discussions of everything nerdy.

Stay Whelmed!

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