Overwatch: Ana Joins The Fight

For those of you looking for some way to spice up the Overwatch gameplay, look no further because here comes Ana


Ana was just announced by the development team over at Blizzard. She will be joining the other four support class heroes. Now, you may be wondering why is she support class, she has a sniper? Well, that’s not just any old sniper she’s holding, that’s a biotic sniper. Her gun is a special anesthetic rifle, engineered using Mercy’s healing staff tech but weaponized. From the gameplay video (below), her sniper has six shots and will heal allies when shot, but hurt enemies for damage over time when shot. As far as her abilities go, she wields a healing booster that doubles as a healing denier to enemies, and a tranquilizer gun that can render anyone incapacitated even during their ultimate, kind of like McCree’s flashbang. There’s full details on Ana’s history and in game abilities on Blizzard’s official website!

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