Titanfall 2 Reveal!


All of the MangoStrike crew is abuzz with HIGH OCTANE HYPE about this years E3 in London which began today, 6/12/16! The annual show that brings you all of whats to come in the year of gaming was headlined by EA games, and the very first reveal? Titanfall 2

To say i’m a fan of the franchise is an understatement. I got to fifth generation pilot, but couldn’t be bothered to get all the gooser kills to keep going. This reveal and it’s trailers have been exactly the kind of high speed thrill the first Titanfall gave me and so many other fans. Just check out the game-play for yourself!

So much is going on in this trailer I can’t even decide where to start. What we know is the classic elements of wall running and agile maneuvers on land and sky will be back with a new coat of paint. This is what sets Titanfall apart from other shooters; you aren’t stuck on the ground hobbling about – YOU’RE SPRINTING AND BREAKNECK SPEED WITH ARTIFICIAL ROBO LEGS TOTING A SCI-FI SPACE BLASTER AND POWERSLIDING INTO YOUR MECHA TO UNLEASH NUCLEAR DOOM UPON MILITIA SCUM — AND THEN YOU THRUST YOUR CYBORG NINJA ELECTRO SWORD INTO THEM!

Swords aside, this is something beautiful to see, a studio listening to fan desires in a way that works! Titanfall’s popularity petered out over time , but they listened to their devoted fans desire for a sequel.

I’m eagerly awaiting all of what EA/DICE packed into Titanfall 2, learning how to use all of the new maneuver mechanics, new titan weapons, and new pilot weapons;

  • A grappling hook for quick escapes and rodeo opportunities
  •  The CAR sub-machine gun makes a return , and a new high impact shotgun
  • A pilot ability that makes a hologram, opening up the chance for a quick evade or fake-out assassination
  • New titan chassis, meaning new play style archetypes!
  • A throwing star that creates a gravity trap!


  • Titan swords – and furthermore titan melee beyond the simple punch and ‘big punch’ from Titanfall 1
  • Oh, and the whole titan shooting laser beams from the chassis.

Another welcome change to the series is a true single player mode! I know, crazy in 2016 right? But they’ve added it as opposed to their online-multiplayer approach to the campaign in the first game.

Titanfall 2 is set to launch on Xbox-One, PS4, and PC on October 28th 2016. I know the die hard fans keeping the servers alive are going to eat this up, but I hope tons of new players try Titanfall 2 out! Speed, action, and giant robots. Whats not to love?


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