Injustice 2 Trailer Drops

With the E3 conference starting next week, gamers are eagerly awaiting gameplay footage and trailers of what new games are in store for them. Warner Brothers Games decided to break it’s silence a week early with the trailer for Injustice 2. This announcement comes just days after a poster for the sequel got leaked (shown above). The game appears to use the tagline “every battle defines you,” a possible foreshadow as to what Warner Brothers has in-store for the story of the game (the first installment took our heroes to an alternate universe in which the villains were the good guys and the heroes were the bad guys).

Now the question for gamers in the upcoming year is what will the games roster look like. WB’s first installment, Injustice: Gods Among Us (which was released in 2013), featured a cast of your favorite DC heroes and villains including Joker, Lex Luthor, Black Atom, Harley Quinn, Doomsday, Bane, Deathstroke, Catwoman, Killer Frost Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Batman, Nightwing, Superman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Raven, Shazam and Flash, as well as add-on content for Batgirl, Martian Manhunter, Lobo, Zod, Zatanna, and Scorpion (from Mortal Kombat). For me , the hope is that they keep some assortment of this cast for the roster in Injustice 2.

Injustice 2 trailer features Superman, Flash, Batman, Aquaman, and Supergirl locked in heated battle. The long awaited sequel is set for release in the 2017 season.

Check  out the trailer below!

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