Legends Of Tomorrow Season One Recap and Predictions

Hey everyone! Welcome to MangoStrike and my first post! I’m going to quickly introduce you to the DC universe as it is portrayed on The CW (also commonly referred to as the Arrowverse). The Arrowverse is rapidly growing. This can be seen by the addition of it’s newest show, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. There isn’t much that excites fans more than the addition of superheros to television.  This show features a larger cast comprised of what can be thought of as B-List superheros and villains.



(From left to right) The Atom, Rip Hunter, White Canary, Captain Cold, Hawkgirl, Heat Wave, Hawkman, Firestorm, Prof. Martin Stein

The Flash and Arrow (other DC shows on the CW) both had instrumental parts in creating this show. This is due to the fact that most of the characters all of the Legends had their start on either Flash or Arrow. Captain Cold (Leonard Snart), Heat Wave (Mick Rory), and Firestorm (Jefferson Jackson and Prof. Martin Stein) all got their start on The Flash while White Canary (Sara Lance), and The Atom (Ray Palmer) first appeared on Arrow. Hawkgirl and Hawkman (Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall) were featured in episodes of Flash and Arrow that set up the series premiere of Legends of Tomorrow, which debuted January 21st. And of course, Legends brings many new characters to the table. These new characters come from different time periods within the DC Universe and while most of them are fantastic, others leave something to be desired.

Rip Hunter is a time traveler who’s wife and son were murdered goes back in time to recruit this unlikely group of people to stop the all powerful villain, Vandal Savage. This band of misfits must band together to save the future, and the fate of their world as they know it by trying to stop Savage at different points in our Earth’s past, present, and future. With the season finale in just a couple of hours (8 p.m. on The CW), let’s go over some of the highs and lows of the season.


First big high point of this series was the premiere! Expanding the DC television universe is something I will always support. Another cool aspect of the show is all the tie-ins they bring in from Flash and Arrow. Gideon, who was created by Barry Allen (The Flash), is the AI who maintains and navigates the Waverider (the time traveling vessel the team uses to fly to different points in space and time). And how about that episode where we got to see not only the future of Starling City, but a different Green Arrow protecting it!? Wild. With characters such as Jonah Hex and Deathstroke making appearances, DC showed it’s huge range of heroes.  With the first season wrapping up, we can appreciate all of the coolest action scenes (like Ray going super size me on the Leviathan) and some of the best character development in this universe (how about Sara going from bloodthirsty killer to ice cold lover?). Anyways, this show has fantastic action and all the corny one liners you could ask for (courtesy of Mr. Snart aka Robber of ATM’s).


Let me just start this segment by saying I do love all the CW no matter how much they let the viewerbase down (looking at you S4 of Arrow). Legends of Tomorrow started out with a great premise and premiere. However, if you have been watching every episode, I’m sure at some point you’ve thought to yourself, “_____, why would you do that???” I understand that all of the team is human, and human makes mistakes. But why oh why would an established businessman, extremely smart scientist, and creator of the gee dang Atom exo-suit open the prison door of a captured, immortal villain?! The numbers just don’t add up. Ray Palmer is definitely smarter than that. On the other side of the same coin, Rip Hunter may or may not be the king of bad decisions. Countless times throughout the series, Rip has lied to his team and brought them into overly dangerous (sometimes fatal) situations that could have easily been avoided. I have decided to blame the writing of the show for this, not the actors who portray them. Actually, I take that back. Ciara Renee, who portrays Hawkgirl, is an absolute blank slate of an actress. With a total of two facial expressions (concerned and very concerned), she does nothing to help her awful story line of her trying to choose between Ray and Carter. Flip flop, flip flop, do you have any idea the emotional toll that has on a viewer? Rant over.


With the season finale under two hours away, I’m strapping in for a thriller of a finale. The battles against Savage are always visually pleasing so I am expecting a fantastic final fight. With recent plot twists, I expected the team to resolve its current situation by banding together and fighting for their fallen comrade. We will also see a set up for the next season most likely including new heroes and the new big bad.

Thanks for reading and scroll down for some neat facts about Arrowverse!


Some important points to take home:

  • Legends of Tomorrow’s second season will have an all new cast of characters!
  • Supergirl is joining Flash, Arrow, and Legends on the CW!
  • A four way crossover between the shows was announced a few hours ago!

Flash Arrow Supergirl Crossover 2016 Season The Flash & Supergirl Crossover Teased by CBS President

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