The DCW and What You Should Be Watching

Sorry for the hiatus but sometimes real life gets in the way of the things we love. But now that it’s fall again, The CW has started new seasons of Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow. This is going to be super opinionated and full of spoilers so brace yourself. (I’m also going to rank these from worst to best so stay tuned).

First up is Arrow. The oldest of the DCW shows, Arrow has just entered it’s fifth season. To recap, seasons 1-3.5 were really good and made watching Oliver’s shenanigans fun! Season 3.6-4 were absolute garbage. You know when you’re trying to do something and you put on a show for background noise? Season 4 of Arrow wasn’t even good enough for that. So why watch season 5? Honestly a lot of Arrow fans (true Arrow fans, if you support Olicity you are dead to me) were let down after the season 4 finale and they felt betrayed by the show’s writers. A lot of people stopped watching and this has caused Arrow to drop in popularity, making it the lowest rated DCW show. Season 5 has a new angle, a team of new recruits that Oliver has to train. If you like Arrow, it’s ok at best.

TL;DR: Arrow used to be good. then it sucked, now we just have to wait to see how this season goes to determine Arrow’s future.

Next is Legends of Tomorrow. Heading into its second season, high off the success of it’s S1 finale, Season two features new team members, and the loss of some old ones. This is good because LoT’s biggest appeal, in my eyes, is the fact that they can interact with different heroes we don’t normally get to see in crazy time periods. This season we’re also seeing some familiar villains that you would actually expect to see destroying the timeline. In my highly unprofessional opinion, S2 is good so far and has a lot of potential.

TL;DR: Good, and getting better.

Supergirl is the newcomer to The CW, having had it’s first season aired on CBS. This was a good move, seeing as now Supergirl can join ranks with Flash, Arrow, and the Legends without too much difficulty. Standalone, Supergirl has piqued my interest. The appearance of Superman was tastefully done. He played a big role, but in no way overshadowed Kara. In fact, the relationship between Clark and Kara really helped her character development and kept the show going very well. We also got to see Martian Manhunter and Superman in action. That was just f***in’ awesome.

TL;DR: Supergirl is good and this season is shaping up to be a good one.

Coming in last, probably for the first time, is The Flash. I cannot get enough of this show and it’s no surprise it’s the front-runner in popularity on the CW. Season 3 started strong with the Flashpoint storyline and the after effects of it play a huge role in this season. The multiverse also plays a big part. Old and new speedsters make for a great story. There’s not much I can say about the Flash without spoiling a lot.

So TL;DR: The Flash is the best show on the CW and you should absolutely tune in on Tuesday nights.

Stay Whelmed

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